
I’m an experienced couples therapist, practicing online while based in Berlin. With a background in coaching, mediation, social work, and business management, I bring a breadth of experience and much passion to my job. Take a look around to learn more. As a counselor of more than ten years, I opened my own therapy space in 2021 and collaborate with body therapists, coaches, and spiritual practitioners. It is important for us to be able to address every aspect of being human.

A contemporary counselor, entrenched in learning about current cultural developments, and always wondering about the implications of it all, my focal topics include unconventional relationship dynamics, family-romance-balance, kink, adhd, amicable breakups, and violence.


Licensed therapist in Germany (HPP)

2015 Sex- and relationship therapist (Institut für Beziehungsdynamik)

2015 Acting Professor in Counseling, Management, and Pedagogy (EHB)

2014 Licensed Social Worker (Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin)

2013 Coach (EASC)

2012 Mediator (boscop)

I used to be a manager

It took a while for my passion for counseling to take over. Until then, I had a management career, and different positions as CEO. My masters degrees are in management as well and I’m still volunteering in management positions here and there. If you’re looking for a counselor with “real world experience”, I might be that one for you.

Cannot get enough of learning about Uta Rothermel?

Get to know me close up in this conversation with my husband:


Book an introductory session.